Prayer - Adoration


PursueGod Kids

Idea 1

Play Scattagories

  • Divide up into teams and ask each team to come up with as many words as possible that explain who is God.

  • For example God is kind, strong, good, King etc.

  • Come back and read through your answers.

  • If two teams have the same answers, then cross them off your list.

  • The winning team is the one with the most words on the list has hasn’t been crossed off.

Idea 2

Ask the kids to draw a picture of God.

  • What do they think God looks like?

  • Ask them to write words around their picture that explains what He is like.

Idea 3

Play Pictionary.

  • have a list of words that explain God.

  • Give a word to the one of the kids and let them draw it while the others guess what they are drawing.

Idea 4

Use the P.R.A.Y guideline.

P - Pause

R - Rejoice

A - Ask 

Y - Yes

  • talk about pausing and rejoicing. What does it mean to pause, and what does it mean to rejoice?

Idea 5

Take some time to pray.  

  • Start your prayer with “God you are…” and let the kids fill in the blanks.

  • Come up with a word for every letter of the alphabet.