Wise and Foolish Builders - Luke 6:46-49 

Teaching Videos

Idea 1

Take a look at really challenging lego sets to build.  You can find some here.  

  • Look at them with the kids and ask them questions.

  • How long you think it would take to build them?

  • Which one would you like to build?

  • Could you make it without following the instructions? What would happen if we didn’t follow the instructions?

  • Talk with the kids about the bible. One of the things the bible is, is an instruction book. What happens when we follow the instructions? What happens when we don’t follow the instructions in the bible?

Teaching Ideas

Idea 2

Read through the story with the kids.

  • Give all the kids a paper copy of the story.

  • Let the kids colour in the story while you ask them questions.

  • How many builders are in this story?

  • What did they build?

  • What did they build their houses out of?

  • Which builder worked hard?

  • What happened when the rain came?

  • How do we build our lives on Jesus?

Idea 3

Build houses on rocks

  • Give each of the kids a large rock put out a number of building materials.

  • Popsicle sticks, glue guns, duct tape, elastic bands, clay, cardboard, card stock and anything else you can think of.

  • Let the kids build houses on their rocks. (they might need help sticking their house on the rock with a glue gun).

  • Write on the rocks something about the lesson like - I built my house on the rock.

Idea 4

Ask the kids to build a house.

  • Give the kids a number of materials and ask them to build a house.

  • Let them know that their house will be tested and may be destroyed afterwards, so try to make is strong.

  • Test all the kids houses by pouring a cup of water on them.

  • Have a talk with the kids. Talk about which houses were strong and why they stayed strong.

  • Compare a strong house to a life with Jesus. What does it look like? How do we build a strong life with Jesus? How do we do what God says?

Idea 5

True or False?

In todays story, three different people built a house. (false)

Anyone who hears God’s words and does what he says is like a man who builds in house in sand. (false)

Building your house on the sand is a bad idea. (true)

We become strong when we listen to Jesus and do what he says. (true)

Idea 6

Make sand castles and lego houses

  • Make homemade sand out of flour and baby oil. (mix 8 cups of flour and 1 cup of baby oil)

  • Put the sand in a container and let the kids build a village of houses.

  • Put out some lego and let the kids build a village of houses as well.

  • In the end look at the two villages. They will both look great, but ask the kids which village is stronger? Which houses are stronger?

  • If you knew that rain was coming, which house would you like to be in?

  • How can we make our lives like a strong house?

Idea 7

Challenge the kids to read the bible.

  • Set up a challenge for the kids to read a book of the bible.

  • Give them a reading chart with prizes along the way and a large prize at the end. (like pony rides or go-carting)

  • Give them plenty of time, and encourage the kids who can’t read on their own to have their parents read it to them.