Jesus is Anointed - Luke 7:36-50
Teaching Videos
Idea 2
Read “Washed With Tears” on page 280 of The Jesus Storybook Bible.
Why didn’t the “important” people like the woman who washed Jesus’ feet?
Where did the woman pour the perfume?
What did Jesus say about the woman? What did Jesus say about the “important” people.
Idea 1
Run through a few different scenarios with the kids and ask them who had the bigger debt? Who will love more?
After going through the scenarios, talk about the woman who had many sins compared to the Pharisees. Who had the bigger debt? Who will love more?
Teaching Ideas
Idea 3
Party Crashers
Talk about going to parties. Have you every been to a party? How do you know you are invited to a party? Have you ever been to a party to which you were’t invited?
In today’s story a lady came to a party to which she wasn’t invited. Do you think the guy having the party liked that she came? Do you think she was nervous to go? Do you think that Jesus liked that she came to the party?
What did the lady do at the party?
Why do you think the lady poured perfume on Jesus’ feet?
Idea 4
Buy a few cheap wigs (with long hair) and let the kids try them on. (one per kid)
Let them act out what it would be like washing someone’s feet and drying them with their hair.
Idea 5
Think of a story from your own life where you have been forgiven.
Share a kid appropriate story from your own life when you have been forgiven. Tell the kids how to made you feel.
Encourage the kids to share stories as well.
Idea 7
Have a Tic-Tac-Toe Tournament with the kids, where they can make money or acquire debt.
At the beginning of your time together, give each of the kids some fake money. Like a fake one dollar bill. Set up a bank where kids can go and get another dollar bill if they loose theirs during the game.
Have a Tic-Tac-Toe tournament with them. Kids can partner up and play tic-tac-toe against each other. They can choose any person they want to play against, and play as many times as they like.
The person who looses the Tic, Tac, Toe game needs to give their dollar bill to the winner. They can then go to the bank and get another dollar bill to play again. Keep track of the debt everyone is acquiring.
After everyone has played quite a few rounds, call all the kids back together and check in to see how much money people made or lost.
Announce that there is a prize, and hold up a good prize, like a fun dip or squishy ball. Before awarding the prize, let the kids know that those who have debts have been forgiven and everyone will win the prize.
While giving out the prizes, ask them who has been forgiven the most?
Compare this idea of debt to the story.
Idea 6
Pretend that you have having a meal with some very important people. (get someone to dress up like the queen or something like that)
Ask the kids what they could do to make the biggest scene possible during the meal.
Explain to them that todays story is about a lady who made a big scene in front of some important people.
Watch a video of the story.
Ask the kids why they think the lady made the big scene.
Idea 8
Make perfume
Set out a number of things that kids could use to make perfume, give them each a cup and a stir stick and see what they come up with.
Talk about the lady who came and poured perfume on Jesus feet.
Idea 9
Review the story by asking true or false questions.
Set up one side of the room as true and the other as false and get the kids running back and forth.
Either use this video or call out the questions below.
1 - Jesus went to Simon the pharisee’s house for dinner - True
2 - At the house, a woman came in and started to wash Jesus’ hands - false
3 - The woman washed Jesus’ feet in a bubble bath - false
4 - The woman washed Jesus’ feet with her tears, perfume and her hair - true
5 - Simon the pharisee was happy this woman was in his house - false
6 - Simon the pharisee wondered why Jesus would let the woman who was a sinner touch him. - true
7 - Jesus told Simon the pharisee a story about two people who owed money - True
8 - In the story one person owed more money than the other person - true
9 - In the story only one person was forgiven their debt - false
10 - In the story both people were forgiven their debts - True
11 - Simon the pharisee guessed that the person with the larger debt would love the moneylender more - true
12 - Jesus said it’s the same for the Woman washing his feet, she had been forgiven and she was showing her love for Jesus - True