David and Bathsheba - 2 Samuel 11
Teaching Videos
Teaching Ideas
Idea 1
Read "David Does Wrong" in the Children of God Storybook Bible by Desmond Tutu
What choices did David make that were wrong in this story?
How did God help David understand that he had made a mistake?
What does it mean to repent, and how did David show that he was truly sorry?
Why do you think God forgave David, even after he made such a big mistake?
Idea 2
Tell the story in your own words. At the end of the story, when Uriah is dead and Bathsheba is mourning ask everyone what they think David should do?
Idea 3
Read "The Sin of David" in The Action Bible by David C. Cook
What can we learn from David’s bad choices in this story?
How did Nathan help David understand the seriousness of his sin?
Why do you think David decided to ask for God’s forgiveness after talking to Nathan?
How does this story show us that God can forgive us when we are truly sorry?
Idea 4
True or false
David stayed home from the war because he had a tummy ache. (false)
David saw Bathsheba and thought she was beautiful. (true)
David took Bathsheba when he shouldn’t have. (true)
Bathsheba got mad at David and called him bad names. (false)
David didn’t want Bathsheba's husband to find out what happened so David moved to another country. (false)
David ordered Bathsheba’s husband to die. (true)
When David realized all that he had done, he asked for forgiveness. (true)
Idea 6
Divide the group into three smaller groups, give each of the groups part of the story to read.
Ask each group to share their part of the story in their own words with the rest of the group.
Idea 7
Play dress up and fess up.
- Put on a piece of dress up clothes and talk about a time when you did something wrong.
Did you admit your mistakes or just keep going?
Talk about David admitting his mistakes and asking for forgiveness.
Ask the kids if they want to dress up and fess up.
Click on the links below for lessons according to age group.