A Fisherman’s Net

Matthew 13:47-49

Teaching Videos

Idea 1

Read “A Fishermen’s Net” on page 351 in The Beginner’s Bible


  1. What did the fishermen catch in their net?

  2. How did the fishermen sort their fish?

  3. How can we choose Jesus?

Teaching Ideas

Idea 2

Go fishing!

  • Fill a kiddy pool with water and place toy fish inside.

  • Let kids use nets to catch fish.

  • Some fish can have labels like “Kindness,” “Lies,” “Obedience,” or “Stealing” written on them.

  • After catching the fish, have kids sort them into “Good” and “Bad” piles.

  • Use this to explain how God will judge people based on their hearts and actions.

Idea 3

Have an underwater adventure.

  • Print off a number of fish and put labels on them like kind, love, mercy, stealing, cheating etc.

  • Scatter the fish all over the room (make them as far apart as possible). Then let the kids collect them. The trick is, they can’t walk to collect the fish the kids need to pretend that they are swimming.

  • Once all the fish are collected sort them into good fish and bad fish.