Jesus Heals a Woman and a Girl
Matthew 9:18-26; Mark 5:21-43; Luke 8:40-56
Teaching Videos
Teaching Ideas
Idea 1
Read “Two Miracles” on page 340 in The Beginners Bible
Who was sick in this story?
What did the Woman and the little girl need Jesus to do for them?
How was the woman healed?
How was the little girl healed?
Idea 2
Have a sleeping contest with the kids.
Tell the kids you are going to have a sleeping contest where they need to pretend they are sleeping, and if you catch anyone moving then they are out of the game.
When you see someone moving, instead of telling them that they are out say something like “wake up my child”.
Once the game is finished, tell the kids in today’s story there was a girl who wasn’t sleeping but she had died. Then Jesus came to her and said “wake up my child” she came alive again and got up!
Idea 3
Play guess who touched you.
Have all the kids sit in a circle, then choose one kid to be “it” and they can sit in the middle of the circle.
Ask the kid who is “it” to put on a blindfold.
Let the kid who is “it” know that one of the kids in the circle is going to come and touch them on their shoulder or foot. Then they get three guesses to try and figure out who touched them.
Play a number of rounds of this game so all the kids who want to get a chance at being in the middle.
After the game chat with the kids about Jesus being touched by a woman in today’s story, and even though He didn’t know who touched him, she was healed.
Idea 4
Make a craft out of fabric squares.
Give each of the kids a fabric square and let them use some fabric markers.
Have them write something on the square the relates to the lesson like “Jesus Heals” or a Bible verse (like Mark 5:34: "Your faith has made you well").
Then let them draw pictures or write other words on their piece of fabric.
Idea 5
Do a race against time.
Set up a hop-scotch course and time the kids as they go through it.
Let them know that they are trying to get the fastest time.
Once each kid has gone through - announce the winner.
Let them know that in today’s story there was a girl who was dying and her father needed Jesus to get to her as quickly as possible. But another Woman needed Jesus’ help as well. Jesus stoped for the woman and healed her, but he wasn’t in time for the little girl. The little girl ended up dying. In all of this Jesus was still in control, he went to the little girl’s house and raised her from the dead.