Do Not Worry

Matthew 6:25-34

Teaching Videos

Idea 1

Read “Jesus Teaches on a Mountain” on page 318 in The Beginner’s Bible.


  1. Who feeds the birds?

  2. Why don’t flowers make clothes?

  3. Who is more important than birds and flowers?

Teaching Ideas

Idea 2

Make a “God takes care of us” banner.

  • Roll out some banner paper and give kids some markers or paint.

  • Write a title in the middle of the paper “God takes care of us”.

  • Then before letting the kids go wild with the paint, have a little brainstorming session. Ask them questions like “What does God take care of?” How does God take care of you?”

  • Then let the kids paint pictures of flowers, and themselves and others.

Idea 3

Read “The Singer” on page 228 in The Jesus Storybook Bible.


  1. What were the people in the story worrying about?

  2. Where do birds get their food? Do they need to fly around with bags of groceries?

  3. Do flowers have closets full of clothes?

  4. Who is more important than birds and flowers?

Idea 4

Make “Give it to God” books for the kids to take home.

  • Give each of the kids a small book and let them make a cover pages.

  • Let them know that it is sometimes good to write down our prayers to God, so that we can go back and look at them and see all the great things that God has done.

  • Let them know that these books are “Give it to God” books. When we feel worried about something we can write that thing down or draw a picture of it and then leave it there with God, knowing that He takes care of us. And then when we feel worried about the same thing again, or something different we can go back to our book and write it down again. It’s a way for us to keep giving our worries to God.

Idea 5

Send a worry rocket with your prayers up to God.

  • Buy a rocket that will go really high in the air.

  • Ask the kids “What are some things that you worry about?”

  • Write those things with a sharpie on the rocket.

  • Once everyone has had a chance to mention some of their worries, launch the rocket with all the worries up to God.

  • Talk about how God takes care of us and we can give our worries to Him.