The Lord’s Prayer - Luke 11:1-13

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Kids Church Ideas

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Jesus Storybook Bible

Idea 1

Rewrite the Lord’s Prayer

  • Go through the Lord’s Prayer line by line and talk about what it means. Decide as a group how to write it out in everyday language.

  • The end product should be a rewritten Lord’s prayer in everyday language that everyone understands.

Idea 2

Take some time to pray.

  • Put some signs up on the wall, that have different prayer starters.

  • Thank you God for….

  • Sorry God for…

  • God, please help….

  • Give the kids a ball, put their back facing the wall and let them throw the ball backwards so it hits one of the signs.

  • Ask the kid to say a prayer according to the sign their ball hit.

Idea 3

Set up a prayer stand (it’s kind of like a lemonade stand.  

  • During the church service talk about prayer with the kids. Talk about praying for others, and let the kids know that you are going to make a prayer stand for all the people in the church.

  • Divide the kids up. Ask some kids to make cookies (with a leader helping them), lots of kids to make cards (one for each person who gets prayed for) and other kids to set up tables and chairs for the stand.

  • Group the kids in 3’s. One can pray, one can give a card and the other can give a cookie.

  • When the church service is finished, invite the adults to come and get prayed for by the kids.

  • Stand back and watch the magic happen.

Idea 4

Pray for countries and leaders around the world.  

  • Bring in a globe.

  • Let the kids spin the globe one at a time and stop the spinning by putting their finger down on the globe.

  • Pray for whatever country the child’s finger lands. Look up the leader of that country and pray for them as well.

  • More information on each country can be found here.

Idea 5

Keep a list of all the things you have prayed about with the kids for a number of weeks or months.  

  • At the beginning of each time with the kids, go through the list and check in to see if any of the prayers have been answered. Put a line through the ones that have been answered, and keep praying about the things that have not been answered.

  • The kids will see how God does answer prayer and also learn to be persistent with their prayers.

Idea 6

Read How to Pray on pg 222 of The Jesus Storybook Bible.

Idea 7

Watch a video with multiple choice questions on the meaning of The Lord’s Prayer.

  • Read the questions out loud for the kids who can’t read.

  • Ask them what they think the answer could be.