The Widow’s Offering

Luke 21:1-4

Teaching Videos

Idea 1

Read “A Poor Widow’s Gift” on page 433 in The Beginner’s Bible.


  1. How much money were the rich people giving at the temple?

  2. How much money did the poor widow give?

  3. Why would Jesus say that “This Woman’s gift is greater than all the others”?

Teaching Ideas

Idea 2

Have a coin toss with the kids.

  • Put a bucket in the middle of the room and give each of the kids 10 coins.

  • Ask the kids to stand behind a line and try to toss each of the coins into the bucket.

  • Either ask the kids to be honest and count how many they got in or do it one at a time and count for each kid.

  • Take a count at the end and ask the kids who won? Then have a talk about what makes someone the winner? Is it the person who gets the most coins in the bucket? Is it the person who was the most honest about how many coins they actually got in the bucket? Is it the person who tried the hardest?

  • Then tell the kids - “Today we are going to learn about a lady who didn’t give as much money as other people at church, but in some ways she gave so much more.”

Idea 3

Give each of the kids a bit of money to take home.

  • Give each of the kids a dollar or a bit of money to take home.

  • Let them know that they can do whatever they want with the money, but that you would like a report the following Sunday. (Also send a note home to parents letting them know what you are doing)

  • Talk with the kids and see if they can come up with ideas on what they could do with their money. What would be some good things to spend it on.

  • Then let them go and see what they do.

Idea 4

Two coins in a drawstring bag.

  • Give each of the kids a small draw string bag and 2 coins.

  • Tell them the story of “The Widow’s Offering” and talk about how the widow gave everything that she had.

  • Ask the kids to write something on their bag, or do draw a little picture that will help them remember the story. Then let them put the 2 coins in their bag.

Idea 5

Talk about things we can give to God.

  • Explain to the kids that the widow gave everything that she had.

  • Then ask the kids if they can think of anything they can give to God. They might need some help getting started, so tell a story from your own life or when you gave your time, or helped someone else etc.

  • Let the kids talk about their ideas of what they can give to God.