Prayer - Petition (Asking God for Things)


Use this video to guide kids through prayer. Here are some ways it could be used:

  • With each word that comes up yell out the thing you want to pray for as the video is going.

  • Read the video as it is happening and say “amen” each time the words explode.

  • Watch the video quietly. Ask the kids if there is anything they saw that they would like to pray about. Pray.


Idea 1

Play the memory game with the kids.

  • Start out with the phrase “It’s my friends birthday, I will give them a ….”

  • Let the first kid start “It’s my friends birthday and I will give them a (let them think of something to give their friend) a puppy.

  • Then the next kid can have a turn “It’s my friends birthday and I will give them a puppy and (let them fill in the blank with something to give their friend).

  • Keep going and adding to the list.

  • Once the game is finished talk about all the good things everyone thought of as a gift. We know how to give good gifts, we didn’t suggest giving out friends a rock or a snake.

  • Ask them if they know who knows how to give really good gifts. - God

  • Tell them that God wants us to ask, he wants us to pray and he knows how to give good gifts.

Idea 2

Play 20 Questions

Ask the kids to think of the best gifts ever.

  • Then everyone else can ask them yes or no questions and try to guess what they are thinking about.

  • Once the game is finished talk about gifts. Have we ever asked God for something? What are things that we could pray for.

Idea 3

Keep a prayer list.

  • Make a list of things to pray about.

  • Each week or day, pray for those things.

  • When prayers are answered cross them off the list and thank God for answering those prayers.

Idea 4

Talk about traffic lights.

  • Tell the kids a story about something you have prayed about and it either didn’t happen or it took a long time to happen.

  • Tell them that when we pray we don’t always get a yes (or a green light in terms of a traffic light).

  • Sometimes when we pray, God gives us a no (red light). We don’t know why, but God is big and smart and still has everything under control and He still loves us. We should keep praying.

  • Sometimes when we pray, God gives us a wait (yellow light). We don’t always know why, but God is still big and smart and has everything under control and He still loves us. We should keep praying.

  • Sometimes when we pray, God gives us a yes (green light). We don’t know why, but God is big and smart and has everything under control and He still loves us. We should thank Him for his gifts.