The Parable of The Pharisee and the Tax Collector - Luke 18:9-14
Good Videos
Idea 1
Watch this video and ask the kids to put their own words to the story.
Idea 2
Make a chart comparing the Pharisee and the tax collector.
Use this chart and questions to help out.
Idea 3
Start out with a conversation.
Say something like “lets talk about all the things that other people have done wrong this week”. Let the kids talk. Maybe join in and tell some stories of your own.
Then say “okay now let’s talk about some of the things we have done wrong this week.”
There should be a lot more talk about others than about our selves.
Ask the kids why they think it is easier to talk about others than about ourselves especially when we are talking about things we have done wrong.
Idea 4
Preform a short skit with the kids.
Ask someone to be the Pharisee and another person to be the tax collector.
When you get to the part where the Pharisee brags, ask kids in the audience to help with things that the Pharisee could say.
When you get to the part where the tax collector prays, ask the kids in the audience for words that the tax collector could say in his prayer.